Assemblymember Alex Lee Presents AB 854 to Livable California

Ellis Act Amendment Bill: AB 854

Join Us in Helping Millions of Working-Class and Elderly Californians Stay in Their Homes, if AB 854 Becomes Law. Urgent – AB 854 must pass on the Assembly floor this week or it is dead! Please Take Action!

Please contact these assemblymembers’ offices and ask them to Support AB 854 (bolding the priority targets) Leaving a message on the district office voicemail after hours is also effective:

Assemblymember Arambula (Fresno): 916-319-2031
Assemblymember Burke (Inglewood): 916-319-2062
Assemblymember Calderon (Whittier): 916-319-2057
Assemblymember Cervantes (Corona): 916-319-2060
Assemblymember Daly (Anaheim): 916-319-2069
Assemblymember E. Garcia (Coachella): 916-319-2056
Assemblymember Gipson (Compton): 916-319-2064
Assemblymember Irwin (Camarillo): 916-319-2044
Assemblymember Low (Cupertino): 916-319-2028
Assemblymember Medina (Riverside): 916-319-2061
Assemblymember Muratsuchi (Torrance): 916-319-2066
Assemblymember O’Donnell (Long Beach): 916-319-2070
Assemblymember Ramos (Rancho Cucamonga): 916-319-2040
Assemblymember Rubio (West Covina): 916-319-2048
Assemblymember Salas (Bakersfield): 916-319-2032
Assemblymember Villapudua (Stockton): 916-319-2013
Assemblymember Wood (Santa Rosa): 916-319-2002

Please contact your own Assembly member through their website, unless you live in D-17. We don’t have representation yet. But  you may ask the candidates whether or not they support SB 854.
Find your Assemblymember here. Or use this link from the coalition.   For more helpsee the coalition’s Action toolkit here