Alhambra’s Measure V Explained

By Editorial Board : coloradoboulevard – excerpt

Two years ago, Alhmabra residents organized to place a series of good government reforms on the local ballot via the initiative process.

They gathered over 8,000 resident signatures to have the reforms appear as a charter amendment on the City’s Nov. 3, 2020, election ballot. Yet, even after the initiative qualified for the ballot, proponents had to overcome a series of setbacks and political roadblocks. Alhambrans will finally get to vote on this citizen-led ballot initiative, officially called Measure V, in less than a month.

Measure V consists of election and campaign finance reforms to improve the democratic process in Alhambra by leveling the playing field so that no one group holds disproportionate sway in Alhambra elections or at City Hall.

The meat of the initiative consists of 1) campaign donor limits, 2) by-district elections, and 3) bans on direct campaign contributions to City Council campaigns from developers, city contractors, and Political Action Committees (i.e. the big money folks). All of the reforms apply to Alhambra City Council races. Below is a list of the reforms in Measure V along with some context…(more)

Alhambra has a ban of donations more than $250/person/candidate. Get that in your city regs ASAP:  They are seeing results!