2550 Irving Project

San Francisco Neighborhoods are under attack.
the Governor just signed SB9 and SB10 to
eliminate single family homes from California.
There is very little we can do about it for now.
Soon there will be an opportunity to support a ballot initiative
to for a Constitutional Amendment that will return the decisions 
from the state legislature to our local communities.

The tools we have left will go a lot further if we support each other. A design for improved livability for the families in the building if the authorities at City Hall agree.

Citizens have some limited options for design improvements and this is one of those cases.  In the spirit of unity among neighborhoods, the 2550 Irving Community neighbors request your support. The group desires a compromise. They wold like to work with the developer and architect per Gordon Mar’s Amendment.

Sunset Neighbors ask:
1.   Write Supervisor Mar and Aide Daisy Quan in support of the compromise design. Gordon.Mar@sfgov.orgmarstaff@sfgov.org
Attend the scheduled TNDC presentation, ZOOM invite below:  Register here in advance.