Now that Trump is cutting housing money, what will Sacramento do about mandates?

By Tim Redmond : 48hills – except

Without federal support, San Francisco can never even remotely reach its state-mandated housing goals. Sen. Scott Wiener needs to address this if he wants to run for Congress.

Thanks to state Sen. Scott Wiener and his Yimby allies, San Francisco is under a mandate not just to zone for and approve but to issue permits for 82,000 new housing units in the next six year. The market-rate housing never going to happen, and not because of neighborhood opposition; private developers aren’t building because the projects don’t work at current interest rates and rents.

But the mandate also includes 46,000 affordable units, which price out at $19 billion. And Donald Trump has just essentially cut off federal funding for affordable housing in cities. Even if the Department of Housing and Urban Development retains some grant money, the staff cuts mean nobody will be available to get that money out the door or to monitor it…

t’s clear at this point that, even with the GOP holding a slim margin in Congress, Trump’s budget plans are going to pass. So what are California and San Francisco going to do?

Right now? Nothing.

Newsom is telling cities that if they aren’t even more harsh and brutal to the unhoused, they will lose state money:…

I texted Wiener today:

Now that Trump is cutting off almost all federal housing money making it impossible for S.F. to meet its state mandates should the state do anything?

I don’t expect I will get a response.

Instead, I got a fundraising email:…(more)