By Stephen Council, Tech Reporter :sfgate – excerpt (audio)
Humane aimed to “fundamentally reshape the role of technology in people’s lives”
Humane, which made wearable, AI-embedded pins, is shutting down the devices it had sold and pawning off its software, patents and employees to Palo Alto tech giant HP Inc. The deal, which Humane said in a Tuesday press release will close at the end of February, marks the end of the line for a startup that had used pedigreed founders and a lofty concept to raise more than $230 million in funding.
The startup was, in 2023, an archetype of Silicon Valley buzz. OpenAI’s Sam Altman and Salesforce’s Marc Benioff both invested in it. The company’s married founders had left prominent roles at Apple and described their screen-free AI pin idea as a way to “fundamentally reshape the role of technology in people’s lives.” The pin had a camera and responded to verbal questions like a leveled-up Siri… (more)
Of the three things one entrepreneur said he looked for in a company, the first is MONEY. Where is the market? Who is going to buy the product you are thinking of making? Looks like that one was overlooked by Humane. Anybody can buy a media campaign. Anybody can (it appears) raises capital when there are so many rich people looking for investments in anything other than their own workers. BUT it is not easy to sell a product nobody wants, unless you are selling energy and the government is forcing you to buy one, as is the case with a lot of the stuff we are forced to do to comply with state laws. Comments are appreciated and sharing this article..