Gov. Newsom signs bill exempting homeless service providers that partner with local governments from CEQA

By Hanna King : ocregister – excerpt (audio track)

Beginning next year, local government contracts that aim to provide shelters and services to people experiencing homelessness will be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, thanks to legislation signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom this week.

CEQA is a state law that requires state and local governments to consider, and avoid, potential environmental impacts of proposed projects and activities.

Under the new law, which will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2025, CEQA will exempt homeless service providers contracted by local governments, preventing their services from potentially being held up or blocked by legal challenges under the environmental law…(more)

Where is the money to pay for these projects going to come from? Will this apply to Charter cities? The jury is out of that one.