How the game is played in Sacramento

Opinion by Susan Shelley : dailynews – excerpt

The California Legislature is a waste of money and space.

Every year, the Legislature goes through the motions of passing laws through its regular process, appearing to be a deliberative body. Actually, it’s a dead body. The real decisions are made in back rooms and regulatory agencies, where the public is excluded or ignored.

One aspect of this decayed process is on display in Sacramento right now. Gov. Gavin Newsom recently announced a package of legislation to streamline infrastructure projects. “Streamline” is a word used in Sacramento when government officials want

to override their own strangling mess of regulations and requirements, but only for certain people or projects, not for everything and everybody.

It’s best understood as a fundraising technique. It’s quite streamlined in that regard…(more)

Write Susan and follow her on Twitter @Susan_Shelley… opinion … (more)

Susan Shelley describes what we are all finding out about this year as we watch the Sacramento politicians play their games in the dark. More writers are giving us more details. Perhaps you would like to follow Susan Shelley on Twitter @Susan_Shelley or

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