California housing dreams in death spiral

By Jackson Stromberg : thecoastnews – excerpt

I am dreaming.

The California Legislators and bureaucrats working on housing would look to the future (say 8 years for the next cycle and 16 years for the following cycle). They envision what may happen, take responsibility and act accordingly.

There is a political steamroller coming from Sacramento to deny local input on housing on the theory that any kind of housing whatsoever is always good, and they know best.

The system is eager to build, build and build. Everyone profits: contractors, plumbers, carpenters, developers, mega investors, money managers, appliance salesmen and on and on.

These politics are indeed powerful. The issue that should be honestly addressed is how this will play out in the long run.

The opportunity for new homeowners will be squeezed out in favor of a landlord/tenant model. There goes the American dream. There goes my dream.… (more)


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