SF leaders, neighbors not on board with ‘ridiculous’ skyscraper proposed for Outer Sunset District

By Suzanne Phan : abc7news – excerpt

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — We’re learning more about plans for a 50-story skyscraper in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset neighborhood.

The proposal calls for 712 new apartments, 15,000 square feet of retail space, 113 affordable units, bike parking, and a car basement. If approved, it would replace an existing garden center and parking lot…

Our media partner the SF Standard reports that the neighborhood is likely to push back against this plan.

That’s because 1,500 people signed a petition to stop a previous plan for a 12-story building at the same location…

“It’s a distraction from the housing work that we’re doing. I don’t think they’re relying on any housing law that I’ve authored as a legislator. I think they are relying on the state-density bonus law which has been around for 40 years,” said Sen. Scott Wiener…(more)