Marin Voice: Hopes for responsible housing plan in California are a fading fantasy

By Jackson Stromberg : marinij – excerpt

Let’s indulge in a fantasy. Imagine the California legislators and bureaucrats working on housing could see eight years into the future, when the next set of housing element plans are due. Maybe they can see 16 years into the future for the deadline after that.

If they could envision what will happen, these leaders could take responsibility and act accordingly.

Instead, we must face reality: A political steamroller is coming from Sacramento to deny local input on housing with the theory that any kind of housing is always good. And those driving that steamroller will tell you they know best.

The system has been created to build and build some more. In this reality, everyone profits – contractors, plumbers, carpenters, developers, mega investors, money managers, refrigerator salesmen and so on….(more)

The Sacramento Bulldozer is rolling over the American dream of homeownership. They are replacing personal equity and family securtiy for the middle-class with corporate faceless unapproachable landlords.