Silicon Valley developer vows hunger strike ‘until death’ if city won’t let him build

By Marisa Kendall : mercurynews – excerpt

SUNNYVALE — A home developer is taking an unusual and dramatic stand after the city halted work on his construction project. He’s on a hunger strike — and he says he won’t eat until his crews can get back to work.

Navneet Aron, founder and CEO of Aron Developers, says he hasn’t eaten since last Friday morning. He has spent every weekday since then camped out in City Hall with a sign proclaiming, “On hunger strike until death!”

He’s protesting the city’s decision to stop construction of 18 townhomes on North Fair Oaks Avenue after his team forgot to obtain an approval from Santa Clara County’s Department of Environmental Health. Aron worries that fixing the issue could take months, which could mean the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars in delayed construction costs.

Now he’s pleading with city officials to let him keep building while he obtains a green light from the county…(more)

Because everyone needs a laugh. We guess they want him to add more units or an ADU before they will let him go ahead with construction.