By Mike Ege : sfstandard – excerpt
District 6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey and main election challenger Honey Mahogany touted their records on housing—and exchanged occasional barbs—at an Aug. 22 forum sponsored by SF YIMBY, the housing advocacy group.
As in previous debates, Dorsey and Mahogany were largely aligned on policy questions, with both enthusiastically supporting housing reforms. But with SF YIMBY’s endorsement meetings fast approaching, the candidates also dragged out policy skeletons in the hopes of sowing doubts about their opponent’s pro-housing bona fides…
Bummed to report that the [DCCC]@SFDemocrats
went with the anti-housing measure. Here is the unofficial vote count…(more)
See the list of DCCC Democrats who voted YES AHPA (anti-housing) as far as YIMBY is concerned. Has YIMBY logic gone too far into fantasy land for most Democrats? Note who votes yes on both. Ting, Mar, Haney. Guess they can’t get enough housing, or they may be confused? Haven’t read the bills? Anything that say housing is good?
from twitter:
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