All posts by discowk7

Everyone is wrong in the Bay Area housing debate. Here’s what’s really happening.

By Cape Canneday : sfgate – excerpt

Columnist Cade Cannedy argues that everyone is missing the real power player in housing: DWIMBYs

YIMBYs and NIMBYs, a tale far less old and far more annoying than Cain and Abel, is a perfect fit for a post-pandemic, cyberurbanized California.

For those unaware, a NIMBY is an aging white couple in a coastal community using racially coded arguments to oppose an affordable housing project that threatens to bring in “ruckus.” A YIMBY, on the other hand, is someone on Twitter yelling indecipherably about how legalizing 5-over-1 single staircases is the only way your children will avoid homelessness in California.

The thing they have in common: You’ve never really met either.

Surely, cartoonishly racist NIMBYs exist, as do YIMBYs who would tolerate a firing range in their backyard if it kept them feeling smugly superior to their narrow-minded neighbors. But in reality, the vast majority of people fall somewhere in between, in a category called the DWIMBY: Depends What’s in My Backyard.

While DWIMBY decidedly lacks panache, it is the most accurate way to describe approximately 80% of people yelling about Bay Area housing on Twitter. Take the notorious Sunset-dwelling NIMBY: The very neighbors disgusted by the Sloat Tower, a 50-story phallus built over reclaimed sand dunes in a veritable transit desert, were the same folks who came together two years ago to support 135 units of affordable teacher housing, just a few blocks away…(more)

It is a rare day when a writer understand the complexities that go into making up the housing attitudes in a meaningful way. Cape gets it and does a great job of explaining it to just about anyone who can read. People consider housing in terms of their personal needs and experiences, and that translates into many shades of gray. All housing is not created equally in all neighborhoods.

There is a huge difference between the 50-story Sloat Tower and the 135 units of affordable teacher housing. No amount of lipstick on a Tower on the beach is going to make it as palatable as affordable teacher housing.

Looking at the maps that were developed to express the election results around the city, it is easy to see which neighborhoods accept change more easily that others. Those neighborhoods that have seen the least change and up-zoning voted overwhelmingly against prop K and for a more responsive government. They look at the effects of the changes in the downtown and other up-zoned areas with trepidation.

People want to retain the stable lifestyles they enjoy. Understanding this could go along way toward uniting the city around housing and transportation goals. Safety and security in our city is dependent on understandting the dynamics of the neighborhoods and allowing them to construct their own paths into the future…(more)

Intro interview: Jackie Fielder talks Trump, police, and taking the bus to work

By OSCAR PALMA : missionlocal – excerpt

Last week Jackie Fielder was sworn in as the supervisor for District 9 — which includes the Mission, Portola, and Bernal Heights. At 30 years old, Fielder is one of the youngest people elected to the Board of Supervisors — as well as one of the few democratic socialists.

Fielder is, political experts told Mission Local in November, the perfect fit for the district — she won with a 19-point lead over her closest contender.

As an activist and politician, Fielder has big ideals but grassroots goals — she’s promised to introduce legislation supporting working families, immigrant communities and small businesses…

OP: What is the most pressing issue that you would like to focus on and introduce to the board?

JF: We’re figuring that out. I would love to do something around Sanctuary City. The thing with the vending ban, and in general with a lot of these priorities, is sometimes they don’t require legislation. Sometimes they require coordination with the different departments — facilitating meetings between different departments, asking questions, asking for data. A lot of our job is oversight.

I think there is this perception that one coming into the legislative branch is supposed to be introducing legislation on day one. That may very well happen. But at the same time, there are already so many laws on the books.

Right now, I’m figuring out why things are the way that they are. I share the same frustrations about why can’t we have a trash can on this corner? Why can’t we get this pothole filled? Why can’t we have officers walking the beat all throughout the three neighborhoods? Questions of that sort that have a lot to do with implementation than going in and changing policy immediately…

I think it’s also the hunger for an outsider perspective. I was a SFLAFCo Commissioner for a couple of years before running for this office. I still have that sense of, “Why are things the way that they are?”…

JF: I think a couple years ago — seeing my role as city commissioner and having a taste for what it would be like to be in city government. I’m someone who really wants to see results quite immediately after I take action. And that’s not been my experience in my endeavors. Like the public bank is a long term project that I’ll continue to pick up as supervisor, and definitely want to take over the finish line… (more)

Malibu, fires, and the mandate for endless growth

By Zelda Bronstein : 48hills – excerpt

In a climate crisis, is it really a good idea to build more and denser housing in high-severity fire zones?

“California will force Malibu and other towns to add housing. Here’s why that’s not nearly enough.”…So reads the headline on an op-ed published by the Los Angeles Times on May 5, 2024. The authors are Paavo Monkkonen, a professor of urban planning and public policy at UCLA, and Aaron Barrall, a housing data analyst at the UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies. Monkkonen is one of the most vocal advocates of the Yimby build-baby-build agenda… (more)

Controversial bill to abolish California fire hazard rankings dies in Legislature

By Hayley Smith : latimes – excerpt

A bill that sought to overhaul California’s system for wildfire hazard mapping has died in the state Assembly.

Senate Bill 610, introduced in June by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), sparked heated debate over its plan to eliminate the decades-old system of ranking state and local lands as “moderate,” “high” or “very high” fire hazard severity zones — designations that influence development patterns and building safety standards based on an area’s probability of burning.

The plan instead would have empowered California’s state fire marshal, Daniel Berlant, to create a single “wildfire mitigation area” classification for California, which supporters said would simplify the system and create a uniform set of standards for wildfire preparation and mitigation.

The bill was held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Thursday…

Rose said he viewed Thursday’s decision as a victory for the more than 150 organizations that weighed in against the bill in a series of open letters to Gov. Gavin Newsom and state legislators… (more)

Rafael Mandelman is San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors president

By Joe Eskenazi : missionlocal – excerpt

Watching the Board of Supervisors elect its president often feels a bit like observing a live-action game of three-card monte. There’s ever so much twirling about and, until the cup is lifted, you don’t know where the votes are going to be.

Today, however, the political legerdemain took place off-camera. After several furious days of votes being whipped and deals being brokered, District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman ended up being the sole nominee for the position. And, lo, he won.

There’s a lot of cachet in being board president, because it’s a position that has great possibilities. If Mayor Daniel Lurie is hit by a meteor, or runs off and joins the French Foreign Legion, for instance, Mandelman will be your new mayor. And it could happen: In just 2017, Mayor Ed Lee was felled by a heart attack while in the frozen-foods section of the city’s worst Safeway, and Board President London Breed was the next woman up…

So, Mandelman is board president, having been the sole nominee. But expect Melgar to oversee the County Transportation Authority and its billions of dollars in transit monies. Expect Melgar to also accept the mixed blessing of helming the land-use committee.

Why did this happen? Mandelman is perceived by his colleagues as more predictable than Melgar in his votes, for good or ill, and more willing to make deals. The bloc of left-leaning supervisors is counting on it; it will be lost on nobody that he is in this position because of their votes. Expect Connie Chan, who successfully lobbied her colleagues for Mandelman, to remain budget chair…(more)

Justice Department Sues Six of the Nation’s Largest Landlords in Effort to Stop Alleged Price-Fixing in Rental Markets

By Heather Vogel : propublica – excerpt (audio track)

Federal prosecutors allege that the landlords have used RealPage pricing software to collude and artificially raise rents. The legal action is the latest development stemming from a 2022 ProPublica investigation.

The Department of Justice on Tuesday sued six of the nation’s largest landlords, accusing them of using a pricing algorithm to improperly work together to raise rents across the country.

The lawsuit expands an antitrust complaint the department filed in August that accused property management software-maker RealPage of engaging in illegal price-fixing to reduce competition among landlords so prices — and profits — would soar. Officials conducted a two-year investigation into the scheme following a 2022 ProPublica story that showed how RealPage was helping landlords set rents across the country in a way that legal experts said could result in cartel-like behavior… (more)

Traffic-signal upgrades coming near Great Highway

By James Salazar: sfexaminer – excerpt

Local leaders this week said a portion of the $35.8 million in grant funding awarded to San Francisco for transit infrastructure and street-safety upgrades will address traffic-spillover concerns stemming from the pending Great Highway closure.

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission awarded the funds as part of its Housing Incentive Pool Grants program, to construct new traffic signals on Lincoln Way at 45th Avenue and at La Playa Street. Another traffic light had already been set to be installed at Lincoln and 41st Avenue, and all three are set to replace stop signs…(more)

We would like to have a discussion about why the housing funds are being used to pay for transit programs instead of housing. Remember this is how the MTC is spending the Housing Grants next time someone complains about the lack of money for affordable housing. No wonder people are living on the streets. That is where the housing funds are going.

Billions Spent On Homelessness, Yet It Is Still Increasing. Why?

By Dick Platkin : citywatchla – excerpt

Many people feel the income gap resulting in the diminishing middle class is largely to blame for the homeless crisis.

PLANNING WATCH – The city, county, and state of California are spending billions to eliminate homelessness, yet the number of homeless people is still increasing. For example, by mid-2023, the State of California had spent $17.5 billion on homelessness. LA Countyhas allocated about $800 million for fiscal year 2024-25, and the City of Los Angeles has budgeted $961 million

Let me explain why I think the numbers of homeless and overcrowded people are still increasing, despite so much local spending.

The problem is NOT a housing shortage. Even though well-funded pressure groups, public officials, and the corporate media endlessly repeat this bogus claim. What they rarely say, however, is that the basic problem is a lack of low-priced housing, and that private sector solutions only make the low-priced housing shortage worse.

For example, in San Jose there are 11 empty housing units for each homeless person, and in San Diego there are three (3) empty housing units for each homeless individual. Since some people have roommates, spouses, or partners, the ratio of vacant houses and apartments per homeless persons is actually higher. As for Los Angeles, the ACCE Vacancy Reportdocumented 93,000 vacant housing units, half of which are withheld from the housing market. This is more than LA’s 45,000 homeless people.

If a housing shortage is not the underlying cause or the housing crisis, then what is?… (more)

An Open letter to Gavin Newsom from Fairfax

By Teliha Draheim : marinpost – excerpt

Dear Governor Newsom,

Though we welcome you and your family to Marin County, the spreading boondoggle you have created pertaining to affordable housing in California will soon land in your own backyard.

Californians, as residents of the fifth largest economy in the world, have the reasonable expectation that State policy decision making is evidence-based.

Yet, this is clearly not the case in regards to the gross inaccuracy of the California Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) [1] assessments, which are amplified by new housing laws and corresponding civic punishments, encouraged and ratified by your administration.

You have claimed that there will be a huge future population growth in California, a claim which has been questioned by many authorities and disproven by the State Department of Finance, which predicts population growth will be largely flat through 2060.

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) claims California will need 2.5 million housing units by 2031. HUD and Freddie Mac say we need 3.8 million new homes to fill the housing shortage for the entire country.

California has been losing population for years. Do you believe California needs 2/3rds of the nation’s total housing in a state that is projected to have negative growth?

This number, determined by your projected population growth claim, is not supported by the facts. The California State Auditor found this number was determined by imprecise methodologies, and not reliable or reproducible; yet the audit result was ignored by HCD and the State refused to adjust its RHNA calculations… (more)